
Gina DeVee Debuts Divine Living Magazine!

The first time I worked with Gina DeVee, I remember the two of us huddled in front of her computer in Montecito and her revealing to me the vision she had for creating a lux lifestyle magazine that showcased all things divine living, we looked at fonts and colors and talked about some of the things she would write about. I was excited and enrolled and wanted to do whatever I could to help her realize it. Then last summer when she, Glenn and I were toasting to our NYT debut the question “What will we be toasting to this time next year in Paris?” And Gina answered “The magazine!” Truthfully, I felt cynical, or skeptical might be more accurate. I knew how much Gina wanted to devote her attention to realizing this dream and I also knew it had been a long time dream and that the effort to do it in a way that lined up w. the divine living brand was going to take some serious time, energy and financial investment. It is with absolute JOY that I share with you the inaugural issue of Divine Living magazine and an enormous “omg-woman-you-are-miracle !!” to Gina.

Wendy K Yalom Photography in Divine Living Magazine

This magazine is a brilliant, generous example of Gina’s core message to “Live the life of your dreams NOW!” Honored and Proud to have captured her inaugural cover and more than that to be aligned with a woman of such courage, conviction, grace and no holds barred chutzpah!!! Can not wait to toast this success tomorrow and discover what we will be celebrating in Paris 2016!! ENJOY – www.divineliving.com