
Brand Photoshoot with Karen Claire Diaz in Santa Barbara, California

With a heart as bright and warm as the California sunshine, Karen Claire Diaz wants you to stop the struggle and be free. A sharp smart background in sales and an ability to deeply see and understand those who have the pleasure of meeting her, Karen has taken these gifts and is shining a bright light on the up down, back forth most women feel about their bodies. She believes we deserve to feel satisfied with our food & life and that our personal happiness is essential. Working with clients who typically give everything to everyone else before considering their own needs, this thoughtful beauty wants to turn upside down what it means to be selfless and for it to start within, giving ourselves what it is we are wanting, embracing ourselves exactly as we are and with a full heart turning that fullness outward to others. Go ahead give it a try, Karen wants you to taste THAT kind of Freedom.

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